Supreme Quality, Reliable and Cost-Effective Systems with Short Turnaround Times- ASSURED!

At Ameya Infocom, we offer a full-fledged range of independent testing, verification, documentation and validation services that assure quality, dependable and cost-effective systems with little turnaround times. We provide gamut services enablers based on independent testing, documentation and validation best practices, including support at every stage of application development, so that mission-vital project encounter “nil” downtime during and post deployment.

Our documentation and validation services unite performance testing suites and thousands of successful customer engagements. As applications grow both in functionality and size, so do the expectations and performance requirements of the end-user. Gone is the time, where poor application performance only affected internal resources. Near-live solution systems, Customer facing and Real-time business management applications have emerged as a standard. Now, as most industries puts their vital and sometimes only revenue-interfaces online, business applications are catering to more users than ever; hence, it is critical than ever.

Experts at Ameya Infocom, follow a systematic approach to benchmark, test and install an application for premium end user performance. The standard cure followed for better application performance has been to add some hardware and throw money recklessly to solve the problem; however, the approach followed by our experts advocates maximizing the efficiency at all phases and performance ROI.

Strategically, our customized documentation and validation solutions empowers the companies with forecasts of capacity, volume and performance, vital information to plan the decommissioning and attainment of expensive software, hardware and licenses. The strategic visibility is rendered in an easy to read dashboards, giving one-metric answers to business queries. The businesses can efficiently mitigate their tactical daily risks and plan for their needs.

Documentation and Validation Services that You can Hire

Ameya Infocom specializes in the validation of mission critical business applications like CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), eClinical and other configurable, large applications.

We provide a wide spectrum of specialized and fundamental application performance testing and validation services:


In addition to the above stated services, we have application-specific methodologies that can boost the testing and validation cycle; hence, alleviate costs around the below mentioned applications:

  • Mobile Applications
  • Microsoft Applications
  • Custom .NET Development
  • Custom J2EE Development
  • ERM Validation
  • CRM Validation
  • EDMS Validation
  • LMS Validation
  • Clinical trials & Clinical data Validation
Ameya Infocom Difference!
Results, Proven Track Record of Success
Following are a few of the key results that we strive to achieve in our engagements:
  • Reduce transaction times
  • Boost the capacity of existing hardware
  • Ensure hardware and software is stable under heavy load
  • Allay the risks involved with every phase of production deployment
  • Establish benchmarks and thresholds, which can be administered and trended
  • Project procurement needs and future growth

Partner with Ameya Infocom, a team of experts, to gain a competitive edge via our premium documentation and validation services.